CentOS Project CentOS 7 is here The CentOS Project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS 7 for ...
頭城國小資訊組 | 在 CentOS 6.x 上架設 DNS Server 在 CentOS 6.x 上架設 DNS Server 整合 IE11 到 Windows 7 CentOS Linux 6.5 讓 Mac 的終端機是彩色的 利用 ASUS Backtracker 來備份原廠還原映像 將 iPad 畫面顯示在電腦螢幕上 整合 Windows 7 SP1 x86 / x64 光碟 IE 相容性檢視設定 - 解決行政人員升級到 ...
CentOS 6 最簡易安裝DNS Server (bind) | 無痛教學KiKi Note 作業系統: CentOS 6.2 安裝bind-chroot [shell]yum install bind-chroot 編輯/etc/ named.conf [shell]vim.
Linux 輕鬆上手架設CentOS 6.4 DNS+FTP –(四)、用Webmin 來安裝 ... 2013年12月1日 ... 1,登入Webmin 選擇Un-used Modules 內的BIND 8 DNS 伺服器 clip_image002 2, 點選Click here 開始 ...
[CentOS] DNS Server - lists.centos.org Mailing Lists 1. Build a primary DNS centos 4.3 server, and make the required efforts to configure it properly. Do the required effort to have a secondary nameserver, like using granitecanyon or other similar service if you don't have the physical hardware just yet. I
CentOS • View topic - Configure DNS Server Centos 6.4 Configure DNS Server Centos 6.4 by mahesh561 » Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:02 am I done networking configuration ... my server is static ip my server IPADDR= NETMASK= GATEWAY= DNS1= DNS2= now i done but i ...
[CentOS] DNS query - lists.centos.org Mailing Lists fabian dacunha wrote: > Dear All, > > i have the following setup > > CentOS 5 server running as a primary DNS server for a long time and is > working perfectly fine > > the server is on public IP and we have abt 5 zones apart from the reverse > n local zo
How to set up a primary DNS server using CentOS - Linux FAQ 10 Apr 2014 ... This tutorial will describe how to create a primary DNS server running on CentOS . Please note that the ...
How To Install the BIND DNS Server on CentOS 6 | DigitalOcean 12 Jun 2014 ... This article will show you how to setup and configure the BIND DNS Server on CentOS 6.
Configure your DNS Server (CentOS/Fedora) - ServerPronto Using the built in package manager "YUM" (YellowDog Updater Modified) you can install the DNS daemon with "yum ...